- Use of geophysical techniques in contamination studies
- Geophysical mineral exploration and engineering geophysics
- Catchment management plans
- Regional parameter estimations
- National groundwater studies
- Multivariate statistics, geo-statistics and data management
- Groundwater flow and transport modelling
- Modelling natural attenuation
- Aquifer hydraulics, i.e. mine de-watering and well field design
- Monte Carlo risk assessments
- Delineation of borehole protection zones
- Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA)
- Professional borehole siting
- Management of groundwater resources
- Borehole design and construction
- Recharge assessment and quantification
- Borehole and aquifer tests
- Rural or urban water supply
- Groundwater and surface water quality evaluation
- Aquifer protection and control
- Rehabilitation
- Monitoring